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jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023

¡Comienza la feria del libro de Madrid!


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Un álbum ilustrado perfecto para acompañar a los más pequeños en su aprendizaje del abecedario.

A partir de 3 años


Descubre los animales del bosque y a los personajes de los cuentos de hadas con la conocida ilustradora Nastja Holtfreter y encuentra las diferencias en cada página.

A partir de 3 años


Descubre la mayor conspiración de la historia en el patio del cole en el nuevo título de la colección "Leyendas del recreo" de Hematocrítico y Monteys.

A partir de 6 años


¡La ululante vida de Eva Alagrande!

Cuento ilustrado para crear nuevos lectores.

A partir de 6 años


Obra clásica de la literatura infantil polaca que cumple 100 años desde su publicación.

A partir de 10 años


Bienvenidos a Elston-Susto, un pueblo olvidado donde acechan brujos, merodean monstruos marinos y una niña va a la caza de respuestas.

A partir de 10 años


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miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023

The 17 best guitar brands

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May 24, 2023
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Tom Morello’s guitar rig is now a Neural DSP plugin – watch the Rage Against the Machine firebrand demo his signature software… with a wrench
(Neural DSP)
Archetype: Tom Morello crams the iconic pedalboard and long-serving Marshall JCM amp into your computer – but does it nail those trademark Whammy tones?
Mooer’s new smart practice amp wants to take on the Positive Grid Spark at its own game – but is it smart enough?
(Mooer Audio)
The Chinese brand specializes in high-function, low-budget builds. How will its new SD30i measure up to an already-affordable market leader?
What if Dimebag Darrell played the solo in Megadeth’s Symphony of Destruction? Kayla Kent makes it a reality – and the results are scary accurate
(Kayla Kent/YouTube)
Can anyone channel the spirit of Dimebag better than Kent? We don't think so – and after watching this, you might agree
Session guitar legend Michael Landau reveals what it takes to play with the biggest artists of all time and explains why “Strats are the ultimate couch guitar”
As Fender releases two signature Stratocasters for the session guitar hero, he reflects on recording with the likes of Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, and Joni Mitchell – and what it's like to play on a Pink Floyd track in front of David Gilmour
Steel Panther’s Satchel: “I really like the sound of single-coil pickups. It makes me play differently and feel like I’m David Gilmour. Or Yngwie!”
(Andrea Friedrich/Redferns)
Steel Panther's resident shredder discusses everything from Paul Gilbert's picking method to super-expensive Strats, and explains why he doesn't use amps in the studio
From Guitar Player
Fender, at long last, unveils the John 5 Ghost Telecaster
The long-awaited model captures the unique spirit of Mötley Crüe's new guitarist
“I grew up with songs. Now, it’s the YouTube, Instagram age where you’ve got all these bedroom Mozarts”: Hear a compelling new episode of the No Guitar Is Safe podcast, featuring Dave Shul
(C Flanigan/Getty Images)
"Could these people actually play with other musicians?" the San Francisco funk ace ponders in the newly-released interview
Buyer's Guides
The 17 best guitar brands
Whether you're an acoustic or electric player, these are the guitar companies you need on your radar
Learn Christone 'Kingfish' Ingram's fiery blues rhythm and lead styles
(Paul Natkin/Getty Images)
With incredible dynamics and expression, and a pentatonic second sight, the Clarksdale, Mississippi native has made the blues his own
Full Story: Guitar World (5/24) 
Danelectro Blackout ’59M NOS+ review
(Phil Barker/Future)
Newly refreshed, the 'Jimmy Page model' sounds classically Dano, and is every bit as relevant today as it ever was
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AI is coming for creative workers too

Artificial Intelligence Is Coming for Creative Workers Too

Aaron Bastani: When it comes to artificial intelligence, and its implications for work, it can be hard to discern "cope" from outright ignorance. One example is the refrain that creativity, and therefore the creative industries, are somehow immune from technological disruption.

This perspective was captured by researchers from innovation charity Nesta in 2015, when they wrote: "creativity is inversely related to computerisability". If poetry is that which can not be translated, creativity is that which is incapable of automation.

Such an assessment is obviously stupid. Swathes of creative work have already been automated over the last five centuries: manuscripts with beautiful calligraphy gave way to moveable print more than half a millennium ago – a process which has only required less human labour ever since. It was the same with textile and ceramic manufacture after the early 19th century. Rather than creativity being something beyond automation, the very essence of the Industrial Age was deskilling creative artisanal labour.

So why would any intelligent person believe it? Because it is convenient and re-assuring. Automation in blue collar jobs was seen as inevitable, and sometimes uncritically celebrated, because the people writing the headlines and op-eds and commissioning the documentaries weren't the ones losing out. And while they covered the plight of workers in manufacturing, it was simply more expedient to believe the same could never happen to them. Yet it increasingly seems that the opposite is true. Far from bypassing white collar industries, machine learning is coming for them first.

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A Bailiff Was Arrested for a Firearms Offence After a 'Brutal' Attempt to Illegally Evict Squatters

by Charlotte England

Bailiffs with illegal weapons tried to evict squatters from a former Tory councillor's empty factory. Cops arrested a bailiff and let squatters back in again. Read more...


'I Felt My Rib Give': People Attacked By Police While Protesting Anti-Drag Demo Speak Out

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People opposing a rightwing demo say they were crushed, kicked and beaten by police officers, with one even being "picked up by the throat and thrown". Read more...

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