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miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023

AI is coming for creative workers too

Artificial Intelligence Is Coming for Creative Workers Too

Aaron Bastani: When it comes to artificial intelligence, and its implications for work, it can be hard to discern "cope" from outright ignorance. One example is the refrain that creativity, and therefore the creative industries, are somehow immune from technological disruption.

This perspective was captured by researchers from innovation charity Nesta in 2015, when they wrote: "creativity is inversely related to computerisability". If poetry is that which can not be translated, creativity is that which is incapable of automation.

Such an assessment is obviously stupid. Swathes of creative work have already been automated over the last five centuries: manuscripts with beautiful calligraphy gave way to moveable print more than half a millennium ago – a process which has only required less human labour ever since. It was the same with textile and ceramic manufacture after the early 19th century. Rather than creativity being something beyond automation, the very essence of the Industrial Age was deskilling creative artisanal labour.

So why would any intelligent person believe it? Because it is convenient and re-assuring. Automation in blue collar jobs was seen as inevitable, and sometimes uncritically celebrated, because the people writing the headlines and op-eds and commissioning the documentaries weren't the ones losing out. And while they covered the plight of workers in manufacturing, it was simply more expedient to believe the same could never happen to them. Yet it increasingly seems that the opposite is true. Far from bypassing white collar industries, machine learning is coming for them first.

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