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miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2022

Keir Starmer is Getting a Taste of His Own Cop Medicine

Keir Starmer is Getting a Taste of His Own Cop Medicine

Moya Lothian-McLean: A political scandal over a bhuna and a bottle of beer. Perhaps it's fitting that something this tedious may prove to be the end of Keir Starmer's equally colourless leadership of the Labour party.

'Beergate', aka the question of whether Starmer broke lockdown laws in April 2021 by eating a succulent Indian meal, is rumbling on. Monday morning saw The Times splash that Starmer was considering a pledge to resign if he's fined over the incident in order to "retain the moral high ground" over his rival, Boris Johnson. Hours later, he did just that at an afternoon press conference, insisting "no rules were broken" but stating that if he was issued with a fixed penalty notice he would do the "right thing" and be on his way. Meanwhile, the Tories have been airily dismissing the row as "fluff" in the hope their benevolence will prevent Starmer from stepping down and putting ever more pressure on the prime minister to follow suit. 

The thing is, they're right. The entire thing is grubby nonsense; imagine being a police officer announcing you've received "significant new information" and what you're referring to is intel on whether someone opened a Google Doc before or after eating a curry. But Starmer is being hoisted by his own petard; his tenure as Labour leader has been characterised by the petty, punitive politics he honed while serving as director of public prosecutions. During the height of 'partygate', Starmer's attacks on Johnson were predicated solely on whether he had, in fact, broken the law, rather than examining how the law itself was arbitrary, contradictory and harshly enforced. It was perfectly in-keeping with the "punisher-in-chief" depicted in Oliver Eagleton's new book The Starmer Project who oversaw the deportation of a Portuguese man for taking a single scoop of ice cream during the 2011 London riots. 

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Palabras de caramelo. Edición especial 20 aniversario

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Edición especial para celebrar el vigésimo aniversario de Palabras de Caramelo.

Lista de Honor CCEI, 2003

Selección de Libros Altamente Recomendados de Fundalectura

¡Más de 100.000 ejemplares vendidos!

Kori es un niño sordo que vive en los campamentos de refugiados del Sáhara y va a la escuela sin entender para qué sirve leer y escribir. En el corral de su tío nace un camellito de color caramelo, que pronto se convierte en su amigo. Kori está acostumbrado a ver palabras en los movimientos de la boca; por eso, cuando el camello mueve los labios, Kori cree que habla. Y es así como nace en él la necesidad de aprender a escribir, para poder plasmar las palabras poéticas de su amigo Caramelo. Pero un día, un día terrible...

Otros títulos del autor

«Ver este libro reeditado de esta manera, en su vigésimo cumpleaños, con las preciosas ilustraciones de María Girón, es más que una ilusión, es para mí la demostración de que ningún escritor debe buscar nunca la trascendencia, ni el éxito, que muchas veces es lo más simple, lo más verdadero, es lo que perdura». 

Gonzalo Moure

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martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

Hoy en Espinof
