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miércoles, 3 de enero de 2024

20 Rightwingers You Don’t Know But Should

20 Rightwingers You Don't Know But Should

Novara Reporters: Consuming British media can often feel like watching a carousel of familiar figures take turns to be that day's main character. But while we'd never argue that Suella Braverman or Rupert Murdoch haven't done their fair share of damage to our democracy, we also know that behind every famous Tory oligarch are a thousand nameless wrong'uns breathing a sigh of relief, safe in the knowledge that nobody knows who they are.

Since the Westminster circus is out of town for the festive season, we thought we'd take this opportunity to bring you some of the lower-profile individuals - from Tory apparatchiks to mild-mannered media moguls, anti-abortion activists to souped-up loansharks - who are poisoning our politics, hoping you won't notice.


Picks of the week...


That's It, Marine Le Pen Is Writing France's Laws Now

by Cole Stangler

Macron's coalition has pushed through France's most regressive immigration bill in 40 years. That's what happens when you try to outgun the far right, argues Cole Stangler. Read more...


Israeli Soldiers Are Snatching Palestinians' Phones and Punishing Them for Having Photos of Gaza
by Daisy Schofield

Israel is using a new law to punish Palestinians simply for possessing images of the war in Gaza. Daisy Schofield reports. Read more...

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