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domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2023

Spoon & Tamago Gift Guide

"The Narcissus Bloom"
(Microseason 57)

The cold continues to set in and some regions may have already experienced their first snow. But despite all odds against them, it's the narcissus that stands tall and blossoms with pride around this time of year. In Japanese, it's known as suisen or, more poetically, sechuka (雪中花), which literally means flower in the snow. Its rich aroma and bright colors delight our senses when all else is withering. For this reason, the narcissus is popular in Japan as a New Year's decoration.

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the spoon & tamago dispatch

Apple Art

First, we check in on art director Yuni Yoshida, who just wrapped up her first overseas exhibition at a museum in Seoul. Among other things, she presented a continuation in her ongoing series of fruits, meticulously hand-peeled and cut as if they had been digitally altered.


Falling for Art

Over a decade ago a high school art teacher in Nara asked himself the question, what are some free activities that would inspire students to take an interest in art? The answer lay at his feet: the vibrant colors of the fall foliage that had fallen to the ground.


Exploring Japanese Hell

Japanese hell is a rather unique place. The concepts of hell (jigoku; 地獄 in Japanese) are derived from ancient Buddhist scriptures, and artwork dating back as old as the 12th century depict the many different forms of punishment. They range from the fairly standard – being eaten alive by demons – to the more inventive – being forced to hold large stalks of daikon radish in your mouth.

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tidbits from all corners of Japan

Last week was Hachiko's 100th birthday. To celebrate, artist Tatzu Nishi installed a temporary room and bed for the good boy.
If you're in Nara this month, look out for local specialty Persimmon leaf sushi (柿の葉寿司).   It's prepared year-round but around this time of year they're extra special.

From the Shop

2023 S&T Gift Guide

We just published our gift guide for 2023! This year felt like a turning point for Japan after tourism bounced back. With that in mind, we put together this year's gift guide for everyone who took an interest in Japan, whether vicariously or through travel. With an emphasis on craftsmanship and quality, we've curated a list of items that are both functional but also serve as an extension of learning about Japan and its culture.
read more
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