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miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2023

Erdoğan’s ‘solidarity’ with Palestine is just a vehicle for his own nationalism

Erdoğan's 'Solidarity' With Palestine Is Just a Vehicle for His Own Nationalism

Ronî Özdemir: If you've taken part in any of the marches against Israel's bombing of Gaza in the last month, you'll likely have spotted the Turkish flag being waved in support of the Palestinian cause. Although it represents neither the decolonial glory of the Algerian flag nor the Arab solidarity of the Lebanese or Jordanian flags, it's nonetheless unsurprising that Turkey's red banner should be seen at these protests. 

Turkey's rightwing president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been vocal in his unilateral support of the Palestinian people and his condemnation of Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel's assault on the Gaza strip. Addressing the hundreds of thousands who gathered at a rally in Istanbul in October in support of Palestine, Erdoğan, wearing a traditional Palestinian chequered scarf, denounced Israel as an "occupier" and a "war criminal".

Yet for many, the Turkish flag isn't a symbol of liberation from an oppressive regime, but quite the opposite. Indeed, others have pointed out the hypocrisy of Erdoğan's denunciation of Israeli war crimes when the Turkish state has been carrying out airstrikes in the Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria (AANES), targeting civilians, and damaging critical infrastructure – leaving millions without clean water and power.

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