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miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2023

Eco-saboteurs are thinking up new ways to tackle SUVs

After Deflating Thousands of Tyres, Eco-Saboteurs Are Thinking Up New Ways to Tackle SUVs

Clare Hymer: It's half past midnight on a Tuesday in February, and I'm in Clifton, Bristol's most expensive suburb. In a quiet spot without street lights or security cameras, Ford*, Simon*, Holly* and Zack* – four of Bristol's 'Tyre Extinguishers' – are getting ready for an evening of sabotage. 

Adjusting their jackets and face coverings, the activists talk briefly about the streets they'll hit ("let's stay away from that road – that has lots of CCTV"). They then distribute leaflets and bags of lentils between them, and they're off.

By now, the group has the process down to a fine art. Keeping chat to a minimum, they roam the streets looking for 'sports utility vehicles', or SUVs. When they find one, they check there's no disability badge on the dashboard, and if not, one person deflates a tyre ("unscrew the valve cap, lentil in, screw it back on, done") while another puts a leaflet on the windscreen explaining what's happened and why. The whole process takes less than ten seconds. Then they move on to the next vehicle, a satisfying hissing sound following them down the street.

In just under an hour, the Bristol Tyre Extinguishers disabled around 80 climate-wrecking vehicles. This was more than in any other city that night, an international night of action which saw groups in London, Paris, Milan and elsewhere let down hundreds of tyres to mark one year of pulse-based activism.

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