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Package delivery unsuccessful attempt notification on February 6th, 2019 , 11:23 AM.
The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the delivery address, so this notice was automatically sent. You may rearrange shipping by seeing your closest United States Postal Service location with the printed invoice specified below. In case the package is NOT scheduled for redelivery or picked up in 72 hrs, it will be returned to the shipper.
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Package delivery attempt fail notification on February 6th, 2019 , 09:23 AM.
The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the delivery address, so this notification has been sent automatically. You can rearrange delivery by seeing your nearest United States Postal Service location with the printed shipping invoice mentioned below. If the package is NOT scheduled for redelivery within 72 hours, it is going to be returned to the shipper.
This is an automated e mail don't respond to this email. This note is for the designated receiver only and may possibly contain privileged, private or private info. If you have received it in error, please delete. Any use of the e-mail by you is not allowed.
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La película es emocionante y el suspenso no decae, la película se adapta a los nuevos tiempos en el género, esconde varios homenajes a la saga, pero sin quedarse atrás. Miller efectúa una salvajada con la que se demuestra, una vez más, que en arte la forma ES el fondo. Un crescendo dramático sin parangón, y sin demasiado subrayados, nos lleva hacia una viaje emocional, el de Max y sus “protegidas”, que consiste en encontrar la esperanza en un mundo post-apocalítpico que no dista demasiado del actual, alegoría que debe ser aún más salvaje, a ver si el mensaje impacta en nuestra adormilada cara, y mente, para que seamos testigos del cambio.
Muy buena.